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Rendered at 14:25:21 12/27/24
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Primary image for Vintage FUJI brand VHS HQ 120 shape keychain rings advertising promotional item
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Vintage FUJI brand VHS HQ 120 shape keychain rings advertising promotional item


Don't miss out on this item!

There is only 1 left in stock.

Shipping options

Estimated to arrive by Tue, Jan 7th. Details
Calculated by USPS in US.

Return policy

None: All purchases final

Purchase protection

Payment options

PayPal accepted
PayPal Credit accepted
Venmo accepted
PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express accepted
Maestro accepted
Amazon Pay accepted

Shipping options

Estimated to arrive by Tue, Jan 7th. Details
Calculated by USPS in US.

Return policy

None: All purchases final

Purchase protection

Payment options

PayPal accepted
PayPal Credit accepted
Venmo accepted
PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express accepted
Maestro accepted
Amazon Pay accepted

Item traits


Modern (1970-Now)

Quantity Available:

Only one in stock, order soon



Country/Region of Manufacture:

United States


Modern (1970-Now)





Listing details

Posted for sale:

December 19

Item number:


Item description