Dandee Plush Doll
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Purchased Dandee Plush Doll on Bonanza

Dandee singing monkey,half price!
The singing toy I ordered from bonanza was a very very important gift for Clare-Bear, my special needs niece ? Clare has Edwards Syndrome and is o... Read more »
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The singing toy I ordered from bonanza was a very very important gift for Clare-Bear, my special needs niece ? Clare has Edwards Syndrome and is one of the few people who survive this disability through infancy and go on to reach adult hood. She is now a wonderful cool 25 year old? This is Clares 3rd dandee singing monkey. The 1st one I actually bought for my husband for valentines when we were visiting Florida with Clare. Clare loved it straight away and my husband gave it to her. After 3 years of almost constant playing it wore out. I managed to find another via ebay USA and this one was equally loved and lasted a few years too. Clare took it everywhere in her bag and it would make our hearts sing to hear her sing along (to the la la's ! Part ). Unfortunately no2's neck gave way. This Christmas no 3 arrived......she was over the moon. This toy makes her happy, give her great comfort in her little world lost in the big world. The toy was excellent condition and sang perfectly.......worth a million pounds/dollars to her !
The service was excellent. Arrived in the post as stated.....in time for Christmas. Well wrapped for the the journey across the pond. Thank you bonanza! Clare's aunty She'll, cousins Beau and Kipper xxx we hope you have more of these monkeys because at some point we are going to need no 4 and 5 and God willing no 100!