Coronasuelry Pendant


Customer Reviews Synopsis

2 reviews total • 2 reviews with comments
Average review 5 stars
Very nice pendant, genial seller.

I had a silver chain and nothing to put on it. Stumbled across the site and seller and thought the pendant looked unusual. The pic doesn't do it justice. Shiny and pretty stone like a peridot.

Very pleased with product and seller.

Purchased Coronasuelry Pendant on Bonanza
Average review 4 stars
Great product. Only just a very minor discrepancy.

The product was in great condition and almost everything was just as described. The only difference was that it was made backwards and was facing the opposite way from the picture. It's only a very minor difference, but it was not 100% as described. It's still a beautiful product, though!

Purchased Coronasuelry Pendant on Bonanza
Average review 4 stars
Great product. Only just a very minor discrepancy.
The product was in great condition and almost everything was just as described. The only difference was that it was made backwards and was facing t... Read more »

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