Cadbury Bar
Customer Reviews Synopsis
6 reviews total •
6 reviews with comments

Purchased Cadbury Bar on Bonanza

Purchased Cadbury Bar on Bonanza

I've had Cadbury Wispa bars before and they're one of my favorites from the Cadbury range. These ones offer caramel with the chocolate and it adds subtle notes of toffee and vanilla along with the very good Cadbury chocolate you already get with a Wispa bar. Be careful not to eat too many of these if you've got more than one in your possession, they are VERY addicting!
Purchased Cadbury Bar on Bonanza

Thank you for a big smile during holidays
Purchased Cadbury Bar on Bonanza

received flakes very quick very happy .
Purchased Cadbury Bar on Bonanza

I ordered this as my grand daughter loves it
She need it after dinner or lunch
Purchased Cadbury Bar on Bonanza

this product is awesome ,have been eating them since i was a child !