Ad level vs turbo traffic?

i want to boost my sales on Bonanza. my other platforms are selling significantly more than my bonanza. how does turbo traffic work vs the ad levels ? I’m currently at 13% ad level. I’m not sure I’m using the correct Bonanza terminology, but my sales here lag behind my ETSY and eBay sales. any suggestions? This is my peak season, I sell boat and RV products. Thanks for any suggestions. Tammy

asked 3 months ago

1 Comment

EmpressDepot April 06, 2024

I used to say to do turbo traffic but ever since I got it I do not see any difference in views. As for the ad levels, I just keep mine at 9%. I’ve had it up to 13% before. This is based on my own personal experience. Bonanza is slower than other sites.

1 Answer

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hello FloridaBoatRVparts,

Thanks for your question. Sorry if there’s been any confusion. As you might imagine, there are many sellers on Bonanza that are interested in increasing their sales, which is why we have created a whole help page dedicated to the topic, which you can find [URL removed]

When Turbo Traffic is active for a booth, it becomes the primary advertising setting for that account, overriding the setting that is selected on the Broadcaster page.

If you need any additional assistance regarding this issue, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team using the “Help” drop down menu at the top of any Bonanza page, or by sending us an email to


answered 3 months ago

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Asked: 3 months ago

Latest response: 3 months ago

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