Haribo Candy


Customer Reviews Synopsis

5 reviews total • 5 reviews with comments
Average review 5 stars
Best Gummy Bears Ever!!

Went to Germany for the 1st time ever in March. I have always been a fan of Hairbo Gummies so when our tour guide said we needed to buy the SAFT Hairbo Gummy Bears because they were the best, I thought why not. Well once I bought one I was hooked, bought 5 more in the airport to take home with me! They are so delicious, my whole family loved them, so as you can imagine they disappeared fast...too fast. I'm definitely going to get more!

Purchased Haribo Candy on Bonanza
Average review 5 stars

I like it

Purchased Haribo Candy on Bonanza
Average review 5 stars

Found my favorite candy

Purchased Haribo Candy on Bonanza
Average review 5 stars
Hard to find, worth the search

Found for my ex mother in law. Was her favorite candy when she was stationed in germany.

Purchased Haribo Candy on Bonanza
Average review 5 stars
Just discovered these dummies from Haribo

A little bit of liquid with chewy texture: yummy! Always loved Haribo gummy bears and these are a new discovery. Hard to find locally.

Purchased Haribo Candy on Bonanza
Average review 5 stars
Just discovered these dummies from Haribo
A little bit of liquid with chewy texture: yummy! Always loved Haribo gummy bears and these are a new discovery. Hard to find locally.

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