Essie Nail Polish

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Customer Reviews Synopsis

I love Essie nail polish for various reasons, you get sparkle types of nail polishes, to rich and bold colors. But when you need to feel really "pretty in pink" this is the color I recommend no matter what age you are. I love it! This product is worth the money.

This was my first brand of nail polish I bought in this very exact color. This color is hard to come by with new colors and styles out. Found this one from the seller and I was soooo happy! I hope Essie still keeps making this color, it's my favorite and I love it.

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I love rich dark colors and this was perfect! I wasn't sure how this would work for me but once I put the polish on and how lovely the nail color looks against my dark skin tone and you can tell it's not old because the polish glided on nice like it should. Love this color and Essie brand, worth the price!