Aroma Filter


Customer Reviews Synopsis

5 reviews total • 5 reviews with comments
Average review 5 stars

Fresh and ready for eating or planting.

Purchased Aroma Filter on Bonanza
Average review 5 stars
Great high quality root stock!
Purchased Aroma Filter on Bonanza

0 of 1 people found this helpful.

Average review 5 stars
Awesome Horsey

My first horseradish family from Montana passed away a couple of years ago after an extremely severe winter.

Finally couldn't take it any longer so I started looking around for another start and came across their listing.

Their root stock is robust and growing very profusely.

Yeah - Thank you!

Purchased Aroma Filter on Bonanza

0 of 1 people found this helpful.

Average review 5 stars
I am in love.....

..... with Cortland apples! They are the best for applesauce and pies. My experience with Kaufmann Orchards was top notch. The apples were fresh and firm and packaged incredibly well. Not a single bruise on any of them. There is just something about the taste of a Cortland that elevates it above any apple I have used before. The compliments I receive I will now share with the brand and the orchard which made this possible. ( I am also now canning Cortland apple pie filling for gift giving. Yum)

Purchased Aroma Filter on Bonanza
Average review 5 stars
Great Dried Mushrooms

These porcini mushrooms are large, sliced dried pieces, not small crumbles or mushroom dust. They plump up nicely when rehydrated and are very tasty. They add so much flavor to a braised beef short rib dish or I have used them in place of fresh mushrooms in a beef stroganoff. They are simply delicious and a great price for 1lb!

Purchased Aroma Filter on Bonanza
Average review 5 stars
Great Dried Mushrooms
These porcini mushrooms are large, sliced dried pieces, not small crumbles or mushroom dust. They plump up nicely when rehydrated and are very tas... Read more »

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