This listing is for Beginners Guide Beer Cans: Each Can Individually Priced Toepfer. 

Paperback: 83 pages
Publisher: L-W Promotions; November 1975 edition (1975)
Black & White Photos of all cans mentioned 

"This book is Thomas Toepfer's second book about beer cans. His first book "Obsolete Beer Cans" with current prices, Vol. 1., is already recognized as the best beer can reference book yet published. Tom is a native of Wisconsin, born and raised in Oshkosh. He makes his home in Aurora, Illinois. Tom has been collecting beer cans for over four years, and as a part time hobby, deals in Antique Advertising and Brewery items. He works for the United States Government, Federal Aviation Agency, as an Air Traffic Controller at the Chicago Air Traffic Control Center in Aurora, Illinois... All cans in this book are from his collection of over 3500 cans. (from about the author)" "I recently published a beer can reference book titled, "OBSOLETE BEER CANS, VOL. 1." Since this book has been on sale, I have received a great amount of correspondence concerning beer cans. The most often noted comment has been, "How about writting a beer can guide book for the beginning collector." This book has been written for the beginning collectors who are interested in information as to what cans can be found on beer store shelves or which cans can easily be obtained in trades with other beginning collectors. I have included every American beer can which is currently on sale at the time of this writing. Included also are most American cans which have become obsolete during the last year but still may be found in some stores in certain sections of this country. Beer can labels constantly change. New brands are added while many brands are discontinued each month. It is possible the brands listed as current in this book many already be obsolete. Many new collectors are interested in foreign cans which can be obtained without too much difficulty. So I have included a section of more common foreign cans, many of which can be purchased in the United States. I want to welcome each beginning collector to the world's fastest growing hobby. It may sometimes seem difficult to...(from forward)" (from book)

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