René Castillo-Ramos- "Chared forest".18"x 24"Original drawing. Mixed media- Color pencil, color marker, charcoal, soft and oil pastel on Natural White, Acid Free paper. Includes Certificate of authenticity and value. Price $250. Free handling, shipping! We pay sale tax of your purchase from our end!

I am an artist educated  in the fields of Photography and Fine Art. Studied drawing and oil paining technics with Spanish Master painter José Azaustre. At the University of Puerto Rico, studied art courses with Professors: Carmelo Fontánez, Gerard St. Germain and Maria Penne de Castillo. Spent four years in Los Angeles, CA,  worked as freelance Photographic Assistant in projects for Steve Harvey, Reed Fenton, Elise Lewing, and Ken Chan. Held a full time position as Photographic  Assistant in the studios of Mark Coppos. and Jay Ehrand.

Own Professional Photo Sutudio- In 1986 returned to Puerto Rico at established my own Photo Studio were I produced advertising photography for the mayor Advertising Agencies in San Juan; Young and Rubicam, BBDO Advertising, Badillo Satchi, Satchi & Compton, Jaime Espasas Advertising, Lopito, Ileana & Howie Ad Agency. 
Concept rational: I create my art work by combining  different methods of execution. I integrate: photography, fine art processes and digital art. My body of exhibited art works compiles Photography -traditional, experimental and digital-; Acrylic  and digital painting, Mixed Media mono types  and handmade and digital originated Drawings.
Lasting association with my Mentor, Augusto MarínIn 1987 I met renowned artist Augusto Marín. Started my collaboration with him, photographing his paintings for the catalogs of his exhibitions. During that time I received the tutelage of Marín’s guidance and expanded my knowledge in: image design, artistic method, creative technics of plastic execution and about the peculiarities of the local art market. My educative and working relationship with Marín lasted until his death in 2011. 
Photography for artists: During the years that followed I met and provided photographic services to other principal figures of the art community: John Balossi, Carmelo Fontánez, Carlos Irizarry, Alfonso Arana, Marta Pérez, Andy Bueso, Carlos Ortíz, “Sueños”, influenced my learning experience about art.

Showing my art work:1995- Started creating art photography for exhibition. Produced photographs of live models in b&w and color. Later by proyecting the negatives and transparencies onto a backdrop I added color and texture effects for a final composed image. I exhibited two of this photo- lignt proyected prints at my first collective exhibition at the Carnegie Lybrary.

In 1996 I produced a Series of 22 conceptual photographs titled “Carnaval Fabulesco”. For this work, I produced a photo session with live models and latter intervened the resulting transparencies by scratching and painting the cellulose to create altered images. This pioneered experimental work was my first solo exhibition at “Galería Forum de las Artes”.

Through the years I have participated in some twenty four art expositions in private venues and public institutions in Puerto Rico.

Some of the most prominent expositions held in San Juan, PR :


2004-“Eco de las Lucernas Noctámbulas”, Lexus Art Rhythms, Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico.

2003-Photography Exhibition, Noches de Galería, Liga de Arte de San Juan, Galería Delta Pico.

2001- “Eco de las Lucernas Noctámbulas”, Museo Casa Roig, Universidad de Puerto Rico.

1997-“Carnaval Fabulesco”, Casa Aboy-Galería PL 900.


2009-“Bocetos Encontrados”, Homenaje a Augusto Marín, Galeria Veve.

2008-“Cien Años de Corretjer”, Museo del Arsenal de la Puntilla, Derechos Civiles”, VI Bienal de Fotografía de Puerto Rico, Museo de las Américas, Sala 3.

2006-“Una Mirada sobre San Juan”, V Bienal de Fotografía de Puerto Rico, Museo de las Américas, “Miniaturas en Portada”, Revista Arte, Dominican Republic.

2004- “En Saludo a la Bienal”, IV Bienal de Fotografía de Puerto Rico, Museo de las Américas, Sala 7, “Ave América”, Interamerican University.

2002- III Bienal Internacional de Fotografía, Museo de Las Américas, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña.

1996- “Junte”, Casa Aboy-Galería PL 900. “El Desnudo”, Diseño Isleño, SJ, PR, “Arte Puertorriqueño”, Superior Education Council, Department of Education.

1995- “Primavera Fotográfica”, Carnegie Library.