**added elements of great fortune Magick- place Pi Yao & Pi Xiu on coins for Wealth tranformaiton and lottery tickets for luck!!***
Albina has consecrated this PI YAO PI XIU ASIAN WINGED LIONS PAIR OF STATUES! The roots of Pi Xiu (Pi Yao) symbol lie deep in Chinese mythology. With the fierce look of a winged lion, the mythical Pi Xiu can ward off evil spirits and protect anyone from harm. The Pi Yao is considered to be very loyal and obedient, which makes him a very popular personal protector in traditional feng shui practice.
She imbued this alluring pair with a "Sheer Transformation" spell. She says that this spell' particular power allows one great protection against any kind of "psychic" attack or negative energy being directed towards one. The "transformation itself takes effect when the Magick of the spell turns this "attack" of negative energies into positive and loving energies before they are able to damage one's balance within one's own energy field. This spell's power also provides the added benefit of clearing away unproductive and unkind energies within one self.
***She advises that the new owner of this pair try and keep the lions at the entry within their home She says that this way, the spell's energies will effect "all that enters" and one will achieve the greatest benefit of this potent spell!***
Albina explains that this spell will be greatly appreciated by anyone who has felt as if they have been subjected to an extraordinary amount of negative incidents, especially if it has seemed as if these events have followed each other, coming in waves without any time for rest or reprieve. She goes on to say that after one bears this Magickally imbued pair, one will soon feel it's powerful effect as all of this surrounding, and internal, negative energies seem to completely dissipate and are then replaced by productive and affirming positive energies.
Albina adds that she has used this spell to actually "transform" any negativity directed at her to her benefit. She even said that with the help of this Magick " it seems that the more negativity directed at you, the more one will experience positive occurences as a result of the transformation of these energies". She also suggests that if one feels burdened by residual negative behaviors and thought patterns based on past negative experiences, this spell will also be useful as it will "eliminate" these "self-imposed" attacks as well and finally rid one of self- critical behaviors and thought patterns. Many Great Blessings to Albina for all of her Time and Wisdom!
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