Brand new factory sealed Code Red dvd is Out Of Print in all formats and no longer being manufactured.

A preliminary fantasy sequence introduces wealthy Giorgio Mainardi (Duilio Del Prete), so annoyed by the needy whines of his young son that he tears himself free from a sweaty tryst with wife Lucy (Bettina Giovannini) to march down the hall to the child's room and stab him multiple times through his teddy bear-embroidered jammies.

However, it is Giorgio himself who dies in the next scene, in the hospital, from internal hemorraging. Against his family's wishes, an autopsy is performed (by Lucio Fulci himself!) and a potentially incriminating length of intestine is removed for further testing, but the sample is soon after ruined by stealthy, gloved hands before it can be examined.

At Giorgio's funeral, various people approach his coffin, all of whom--we learn from the corpse's narration, and accompanying flashbacks--had good reason to want him dead:

his nephew Mario (Pascal Persiano), whose business venture he refused to support; Hilda (Frances Nacman), his stepmother, whose pursestrings he controlled; and Rita (Antonella Tinazzo), the mistress he so coldly rejected.

Knowing that his life can have no meaning till he understands the circumstances that brought about his death, Giorgio's ghost appears to his eldest child, Rosy (Karina Huff)--the only person in the world he really loved, and who loved him in return--and beseeches her to expose his assassin.

With the aid of her boyfriend Gianni (Lawrence Flaherty), a young pathologist, Rosy slowly but surely begins to narrow the scope of blame, as her father's body moulders, corrupts, and erupts in inky, necrotic pustules and maggot yuck underground in a race against the clock.