Box cover has normal shelf wear around the corners and a faint sticker shadow on the upper right corner. Cassette is clean with a store branded security sticker on the right endcap and a long barcode on the spine assuring you of first generation quality.

Pre-viewed for quality and played fine on my Sanyo deck. Out Of Print (OOP) and no longer being manufactured in all formats except pricey blu-ray. 

The film centers on a young boy who worries about where his highly conformists PARENTS get all that meat they eat... and what goes on down in the basement. Mom and Dad, who seem like a couple of squares right out of 'Father Knows Best' sitcoms, are really suburban cannibals!

This black comedy satirizes the 1950s as well as the horror genre, but the horror is moderate and plays ambiguously. Until the finale that is, which unnervingly turns into a bloodily straight stab session. The film forsakes the foggy menace of straight horror for a hard, pastel postcard look.