
Gold KIng Guardian DRAGONFrom Egypt!


Amazing Guardian Gold  Dragon

10,000 times stronger than any Djinn and can make your dreams come true.


He is a very loyal companion and not only does He bring you and your protection but will bring riches beyond your dreams.



We are thrilled to bring to you some amazing objects from Italy just delivered to us a shipment of AMAZING items and we have brought them here for you!!!


Are you ready for a friend and companion who can grant your wishes????



he can help!


he will protect and bring great fortune!!



Don't miss out!!!!

This AMAZING POWERFUL Vessel holds a Great Gold king Guardian Dragon . He is a protective dragon that will protect you from anyone and anything. He will bring you secrets and tell you peoples true motives of others. He is very well adapted for ANY climate and loves to go with you and be outside. He loves the wind and lies to be kept in a dark place !!!

 Since he is a gold dragon he brings great wealth and will lead you to treasure. He longs to bring you wealth. He knows all about earth magick, trasures, and stones and can help you find rare finds in all of these areas. He is VERY VERY friendly!!!!He makes a lOyal companion.

He is a great gold guardian dragon with great wings. He is 22feet long and amazing to behold. He is 8801 years old. He will bring you anything that you desire but especially these dragons are here to help you change your LIFE FOREVER!!! 


The Guardian Dragon is sought after for his abilitities to protect, guard, and bring you treasure.




He also enhances and knows about any spell. He is always good and will bring many wonderful people and things into your life. This Gold dragon especially will bring the best of friends into your life. He can read minds and will teach you to know their intentions.

As a Rare guardian dragon he is very loyal. He loves singing and dancing. They are great for families and he will guard all of your loved ones and bring great things into all the lives of those that you love as well.


As a Rare gold Dragon he also has the ability to heal you or those around you. All you need to do is ask. 

He is a helper that you need if you TRULY want a new life and change for your future!!!




He is AMAZING!!!



Is thissale calling to you???

You know who you are.


This is the ones that you want!!!


This is truly a remarkable opportunity!!!


Do not let this one pass you by!!!



About his vessel: This is a goldstone pendant  . It can be worn or carried with you. Once you bond the dragon will be with you forever so you will not even need to carry it with you.










If it is calling to you and you are here, you were brought here for a reason. The spirit was calling to you to be it’s owner.




If you are ready for the REAL DEAL HERE IT IS!!!!




He longs for a new home and owner!! He has been waiting for you for a long time!!! Do not wait any longer. You know who you are!!


Do you seek to bring all the things that you and your family needs into your life???


He can change your life forever !!!


He will grant your EVERY desire!!

We have included all of the information you need except for the name. Why? We believe that the name of your dragon should be known only to you, and few others. Upon winning you will be sent the name,  have access to our bonding ritual so that you can bond easily to your dragon, and be given all the information you need.    


IF YOU WERE BROUGHT HERE HE IS CALLING TO YOU!!! Do you hear him!!! You are drawn here for a reason. Trust you instincts. There are no mistakes only opportunities waiting for you . 







Payments are now being accepted from varies sources for those who do not have paypal or money in paypal. . Please take advantage of this. Payment due within 5 business days of purchase. Please take advantage of our shipping discounts and combine all shipments in 5 days.


Please Note: We value our customers buying privacy so all of oursales/listings are set to 'Private' so no one can see what you have purchased. All packages are mailed in generic and anonymous packages and custom forms are marked with only basic info like 'pendant' or 'ring' From APRS inc. You will generally receive an automated email from/Paypal when your item is shipped. We are a green CompANY SO ALL MATERIALS WILL COME WITH A LINK TO THE WEBSITE WITH YOUR BONDING RITUAL OR OTHER INFORMATION! If you are overseas you may not receive anything with your item except a contact me paper due to certain customs opening items in the past!

Terms of Sale

As policy: This item is for entertainment purposes only. No specific results can be Guaranteed. I am not responsible for paranormal activity that may occur. I am not responsible for harm from this spell. This spell is not in place of any treatment or advice of any kind. Please consult your doctor for that. You must be 18 or older to purchase this item.

About Us

We have studied and worked in the metaphysical world for over 20 years. If you need something that is not listed please ask, we can usually get it or have it.. I have a whole room full of items and only get a fraction of them on. We conjure ourselves and bring you the best from those we know and work with! PLEASE ADD US TO YOUR FAVORITES OR CHECK OUT OUR OTHER ITEMS!!!! SEE OUR ABOUT ME PAGE FOR FREE NEWSLETTER AND SPECIALS!!! We are one of the Sellers who have been around for a while and yes.. it makes a difference in most cases. We have sold to thousands successfully , with hundreds of return customers because we care and bring the best. We hear about our copyrighted bonding rituals sent with numerous packages?. So please.. If you do not buy here watch for those things!

Contact Us

Contacting us: If you need to contact us please use only not any other email address. Please give me 24 -72 hours to get back with you. We do investigations and have children so we are not online every day or every night, but we will do our best to get back with you as soon as possible and may be on investigations some weekends.