Seven (7) issues of Boot, an old computer magazine from the mid to late 1990s.  Each issue contains articles on a variety of topics such as hardware, software, gaming, reviews, intereviews, etc.

Some issues have mailing labels attached.  The address has been blacked out.  There are also two demo discs that were originally included with the magazines, #10 and #16 - not sure which issues they go with.

I have no idea what these might be worth so I took a guess.  Feel free to make lower offers, or take the bargain and run if I haven't priced them high enough.

FREE insured shipping anywhere in the United States. International shipping will vary by destination but will likely be a bit costly.

I welcome lower offers, especially if you are buying multiple items at once.  To make a lower offer, add the item(s) to your cart and on the checkout page you will be given the option to name your own price.  (If you are not seeing this option, it may be because your state requires sales tax.  Bonanza is working on a fix for this issue, but you can also send me a direct message with your offer.)  Full information about making offers here.

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