Box is a little shelf worn around the edges with the top end flap dog-eared and a couple of creases on the back. Cassette is in good shape with a little dry sticker residue on the left endcap.
Pre-viewed for quality and had to tweak both the tracking & audio mode. Rolling line at 12 1/2 minutes and just before the end credits roll, played fine otherwise. Now Out Of Print in all formats except pricey blu-ray. This vhs tape is perfect for old school televisions as the full frame format will fill your screen.
A 17-year-film project beset by controversy. Fans of the book were disturbed by the casting of Tom Cruise as Lestat since he looked nothing like the character described, although Brad Pitt does. Christian Slater was brought in to replace the late River Phoenix (died of an overdose at a nightclub) as the interviewer. Kirsten Dunst when she was a little girl in one of her first roles. A standout performance of a little vampire forever stuck on the edge of puberty and the torturous angst of it.
Brad Pitt stars as Louis, an 18th Century New Orleans plantation owner and widower, whose fervent death wish brings him the aquantice of Lesat (Tom Cruise), a bisexual vampire in search of eternal companionship. Louis rebels against Lestat and his method of taking human lives for survival and lives on rats until he uses his death bite to ease the suffering of Claudia (Kirsten Dunst), a prepubescent orphan of the plague, whom Lestat then revives to be Louis' companion. The child turns out to be a bigger monster, with a crueller imagination than either of them and regretting the adulthood she can never have, she engineer's Lestat's demise.