Additional Details
Product description: Full color hardback houses the CD. Book approx. 5 1/4" x 5 7/8" with 24 full color pages covering Mozart bio, background to compositions, etc. -- plus even a quiz to test your knowledge. CD approx 73 min. 11 tracks -- full movements from different Mozart compositions performed by German and Austrian orchestras. Selections: Marriage of Figaro Overture, Clarinet Concerto in B Flat Major 1st movement, Piano Concert No. 21 in C Major 2nd movement, Horn Concerto No 4 in E Flat Major 3rd movement, Exultate Jubilate, Serenade Eine Kleine Nachtmusik 1st movement, Serenade Gran Partita 3rd movement, Sinfonia Concertante 1st movement, Symphony No. 40 in G Minor 1st movement, Requiem - Requiem aeternam, and Hostias.
Format: classical