Matrigals Divine bite is a hidden formula for a pact thats been hidden in the Maergjirah Cabal since the 1400s this qausi phylactery and pact vessel evokes his presence and allows him to come forward and give you his bite he will pass on his dark blessing make no mistake you will become a vampire part of Matrigals court to spread his dominion and power throughout the world.
Matrigal is the master of blood magicks, vampiric rites he teaches vampiric immortality and the act of drinking the soul he appears as a six foot tall man with the attire of a deceased pope his colors are black je appears always with stains of blood on his robes and hands or mouth he is the lord of hunger and thirst
Upon pacting with him and following the instructions within this vessel you will be able to
-physically feed from a distance with absolute proficiency
-Gain supernatural strength
-Gain supernatural speed
-Gain the blessing of enigmacy to seduce and lure in targets to feed upon
-be able to rise agter being stricken down
-Necrotically heal via the death essence
-Your strength will grow as your age does
-Your eyes will have an affinity to see in the darkness and read the blood of those your gaze meet
I had initially stopped selling this relic because to many contacted me afterwards wanting me to change them back please realize this is impossible you cannot revoke the pact or become mortal again.