Disney Trading Pins
5879 Milestone Set # 5 Pin # 5 -- Wonderful World of ColorNinth in a series of 10 marking milestones in Walt Disney's career. This
celebrates the launch of Disney's first color TV series after seven
seasons in black and white. This one is a gold TV set. On the screen in
full color is the show's logo.
This series 10 collector's pins was set broken down into 2 boxed sets.
Set #1 (5756) consists of:
*Walt Disney's Business Card #5870
*Laugh-O-Grams #5871
*Silly Symphony #5872
*Alice Comedies #5874
*Mickey Mouse Sound Cartoons #5875
Set #2 (5757) consists of:
*Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs #5876
*True Life Adventures #5877
*WED Imagineering #5878
*Wonderful World of Color #5879
*Walt Disney's Disneyland #5880
thanks to pinpics for the listing info
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