Buy Direct from the Publisher and Artist;
This is a subset of five tonal renditions from the Steve Woron FEMALE FANTASY trading cards.
Includes a Signed card by the artist including;
• Mucha Princess
• Skin Diver
• Jungle Girl
• Warlord Princess Deja Thoris
• Seduction
• Betty Page: Vargas style
You are buying direct from the artist, so no shop-worn copies.
Rare cards, not mass produced like Comic Images products.
Bid now before you forget or someone snipes you at the last minute, beating your bid by a penny.
I have many other similar auctions in all different categories, depending on what policies has put into effect this week. Many of my tame nudes have been reluctantly put in "mature" categories. My apologies. So click on "view sellers Store"
Any Free or BONUS items will be forfeit if you don't make payment in 10 days.
Note: If there is no Buy-it-Now option available in this listing, the Buy-it-Now extras are NOT included. Buy-it-Now deals only apply if the Buy-it-Now button is used. Straight auctions don't apply.
When possible we combine shipping or offer free shipping in the USA...
This is a subset of five tonal renditions from the Steve Woron FEMALE FANTASY trading cards.
Includes a Signed card by the artist including;
• Mucha Princess
• Skin Diver
• Jungle Girl
• Warlord Princess Deja Thoris
• Seduction
• Betty Page: Vargas style
You are buying direct from the artist, so no shop-worn copies.
Rare cards, not mass produced like Comic Images products.
Bid now before you forget or someone snipes you at the last minute, beating your bid by a penny.
I have many other similar auctions in all different categories, depending on what policies has put into effect this week. Many of my tame nudes have been reluctantly put in "mature" categories. My apologies. So click on "view sellers Store"
Any Free or BONUS items will be forfeit if you don't make payment in 10 days.
Note: If there is no Buy-it-Now option available in this listing, the Buy-it-Now extras are NOT included. Buy-it-Now deals only apply if the Buy-it-Now button is used. Straight auctions don't apply.
When possible we combine shipping or offer free shipping in the USA...