This is the PCB of a very low distortion gain module board, making use of Burr Brown's  ( now TI ) JFET input, high voltage(+/-24VDC)  low noise and high speed opamp OPA2604. 

The board features two inverting stages cascaded together. The first stage has gain of 20 ( if using the board values) and the second stage serves as a phase inverting buffer( Gain = 1). The output of the two opamps are 180 degree of of phase. 

This board can be used as :

1. unbalanced to balanced converter with gain with strong driving capability ( good to 600 ohm) ;

2. phase splitter for tube amplifier driving stage ( good to 44Vp-p at supply voltage of +/-24VDC) ;


PCB dimension : 48mm x 40mm


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