Condition: Pre-Owned. Item is inspected and guaranteed to be in Excellent condition. Shows no signs of wear - looks Brand New.
Retail Value: $250
Shipping & Handling: Calculated based on Buyer's mailing address. Reduced S&H is offered for combined purchases with our other merchandise. Express Shipping is also available if requested and can be quoted to you by email. We will make every attempt to ship your item within 3 business days from receipt of payment.
Guarantee: Your satisfaction is most important to us. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, please return it within 30 days of purchase and the product cost will be refunded in full less a 10% restocking fee, Shipping and handling charges may not be refunded. Unsatisfied customers must contact us promptly in order to make a claim, and for any return instructions. The refund will be remitted once the item(s) is received in satisfactory condition.
Message us if there are any questions.
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