How to Grow Pussy Willows
Pussy Willows are also sometimes used in place of Palms on Palm Sunday in Northern European countries
They also make the best Divining Rods ( willow twitching ) to locate water
The Best way to root them is to just put the dry sticks in water for 2 weeks up to 8 months.. The longer you leave them in water the better the root system .
White furry Pussy willows used in crafts and decorations in early March to April
You are buying 25 White Pussy willows with out roots.
6 inches to 8 inches
Just plant in ground at least 10 feet apart for a Privacy screen.
water well for 3 weeks
Just Put dry twig or stem in water and roots appear in 2 to 3 weeks.
Plant grows about a foot a year for 2 years, then rapidly grows to 10 feet tall in 5 years
Pussy willows (salix discolor) are extremely easy to multiply. The Best way to root them is to just put the dry sticks in water for 2 weeks up to 8 months.. The longer you leave them in water the better the root system .
They root so easily that stems of almost any size can simply be stuck into a vase of water where they will form roots in just a few weeks.
They can then be potted into liner pots with moist soil for a few more weeks while their roots develop, or they can be planted directly into the ground in spring. The cutting must be set the right end up, as it originally grew.
Cuttings should be from new growth. 6 inches or more in length .
Picture 1 shows how in 2 to 3 weeks they have a root system
next to last picture shows what it looks like in March and April
Last picture shows what the Pussy willow looks like in the spring after the soft pusssys turn into leaves
You are getting 25 pieces of 6 to 8 inch sticks as shown to plant in water .Just put them in water and it 2 weeks you'll have roots..I suggest keeping them in a vase for at least 3 to 6 months and plant them outside in the fall around September or October.
Additional lots additional shipping is $2.00 per lot of 25 pieces