Very Good - Box and bible have minor wear, Blakc leather bound, very nice pages (REL)
Additional Details
Product description: The "God's Word" translation of the Bible, is one of the newest and best translations of the Bible into the everyday language we speak. Its goal is simple, to communicate clearly to today's Americans without compromising the accuracy of the Bible's message. This new translation consciously combines scholarly fidelity with natural English.Throughout the translation process, the biblical scholars worked with English reviewers to make sure that "God's Word" looks and reads like contemporary American literature. It uses natural grammar, follows standard punctuation and capitalization rules, and is printed in an open single column format.Literally accurate...exceptionally readableGod's inerrant, inspired, personal communication in clear EnglishBrings the accurate, literal meaning of the original languages into their closest natural English equivalentPresentation pageFamily record sectionRibbon markerSingle column book format