Perfect for when you want to say more with your iPad the LogitechCanvas Keyboard case provides protection along with an integratedkeyboard Offering a familiar fast and accurate typing experiencethis thin lightweight case lets you use your iPad like a laptop Canvasfeatures a built-in Bluetooth keyboard with well-spaced keys iOSshortcuts and versatile viewing positions to help you get more donePosition your iPad upright for typing emails and chatting or lay itflat to read and browse in comfort When the iPad is positioned uprightthe keyboard auto onoff feature ensures Canvas is ready for typingwhen you are When surprises come your way the Logitech Canvas isready with durable and liquid-repellent materials to protect your iPad span stylefont-family Arial Helvetica sans-serif font-size 18pxdiv styletext-align leftspan styletext-align leftPerfect for when you want to say more with your iPadthe Logitech Canvas Keyboard case provides protection along with anintegrated keyboard Offering a familiar fast and accurate typingexperience this thin lightweight case lets you use your iPad like alaptopspandivspanspan stylefont-family Arial Helvetica sans-serif font-size 18pxdiv classas-productinfosection-panel Overview-panel rowdiv classas-productinfosection-mainpanel column large-9 small-12 itempropdescriptiondiv classpara-listpCanvas features a built-in Bluetooth keyboard withwell-spaced keys iOS shortcuts and versatile viewing positions to helpyou get more done Position your iPad upright for typing emails andchatting or lay it flat to read and browse in comfort When the iPad ispositioned upright the keyboard auto onoff feature ensures Canvas isready for typing when you arepdivdiv classpara-listpWhen surprises come your way the Logitech Canvas isready with durable and liquid-repellent materials to protect your iPadpdivdivdivdiv classas-productinfosection-panel Highlights-panel rowdiv classas-productinfosection-mainpanel column large-9 small-12div classpara-listpspan styletext-decoration underlineCompatible with the below iPad Modelsspanppp --td border 1px solid #cccbr mso-data-placementsame-cell--piPad Air 2 br A1566 br MGKL2LLA br MGKM2LLA br MGL12LLA br MGLW2LLA br MGTX2LLA br MGTY2LLA br MH0W2LLA br MH182LLA br MH1J2LLA br MNV22LLA br MNV62LLA br MNV72LLA br A1567 br MH2M2LLA br MH2N2LLA br MH2P2LLA br MH2U2LLA br MH2V2LLA br MH2W2LLA br MH312LLA br MH322LLA br MH332LLA br MNW12LLA br MNW22LLA br MNW32LLA pdivdivdivspan