If you are looking for a professionally crafted and hugely time invested ULTIMATE Complete REGION Collection of the DREAMCAST library for your PC Emulator/Retropie you've come to the right place! (This Collection has been updated January 2020, and is superior to any collection out on the market let alone Etsy. My Collection contains not only an updated collection of the Complete DREAMCAST Library of ALL REGIONS but also the following:
- the Cover/Box Arts of the games
- Official Game Manuals ~ Perfect Quality Scans.
- Video Snaps of the Games in 480p

- Perfect DVD to Hard Drive Conversion Included (NO QUALITY LOSS) of the following ~ 

- Street Fighter III 3rd Strike Tougeki Tournament from 2007 in Japan Video Documentary.  << Ultra Rare !!!  
- Melty Blood Act Cadenza ~ Overture << (Almost Impossible to find in Japan)

 These 2 dvds (physical dvds NOT INCLUDED) are RIDICULOUSLY ULTRA RARE, Good Luck trying to find these in Japan let alone outside of it 
~ Very Exclusive to this Listing by RetroGamesWorkshop!

Countless hours has been put into this to bring you all the most beautifully finished product collection of the Complete REGION Collection - You will not find a more carefully finished and centralized collection out there to suit your nostalgia.

Every game from the DREAMCAST Library has been compiled onto a 1TB External Hard Drive.
*No repeat games, fillers or prototype games.
- BOTH GDI (BEST QUALITY) & CDI Formats (FOR Backing up to CD) are included!!!

Tested and works amazingly well for Nulldc, REDream, PopStarter, Android, RetroPi (Rasberry Pi) and RetroArch and more!
~ Emulation has come a long way for the Dreamcast.

This collection has the true Dreamcast one fan in mind and you will not find a more curated collection as this one bar none!
This is Nostalgia at its very core.

Copyright Disclaimer:
No Copyrighted material is for sale, All photos were taken by myself and are of my own, Any other related program and content in this listing is FREEWARE OPEN-SOURCE and can be found on the Internet for free therefore are included at no charge to you. You are not paying for any ROMS, or software. Therefore in no way shape or form does this listing violate any copyright policies nor Etsy's rules. You are only paying for the physical hardware, my service, parts, labor, time, electricity, wear and tear, packaging and the months spent assembling, tweaking and configuring your item to work, you must delete what you do not own.