"I've kissed a thousand sailors to the bottom of the Sea. And loved a drunken pirate with a squeeky wooden knee. But Beware! You're sure to drown... If you get your hooks in Me! Soap recipes are 100% Natural and Vegan Friendly! Saponified Vegetable Oils (Coconut, Castor and Safflower) Kosher Veggie Glycerin Highest quality essential oils herbs and spices. (Organic when available) Sorbital (natural thickener) Purified Water Sorbitan oleate (natural emulsifier) Sodium hydroxide (natural saponifier) Absolutely no detergents, surfactants, sulfates, artificial scents, colorizers, or petroleum products of any kind. Labels are printed on 100% recycled paper. Soap is not just about getting clean, it’s about loving your body and the earth. Soap size is approximately 1.75″ by 2.5″ inches. Soap is 7 plus ounces.