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TITLE: LIFE magazine
[Classic LIFE Magazine, with all the great photographs, features, writers, vintage advertisements and MORE -- See FULL contents below!]
ISSUE DATE: October 4, 1948; Vol. 25, No. 14
CONDITION: LARGE magazine, Approx 10oe" X 13oe". COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)

[Use 'Control F' to search this page. MORE MAGAZINES' exclusive detailed content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.] This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

COVER: American production 26 pages of pictures, nylon salts plant.
At the du pont chemical plant in orange, texas, foremen john mcleod and sam mottice check their blueprints. In the maze of boilers, pipes and stacks beyond them, natural gas is transformed into white crystals of nylon salts. From this plant the salts are shipped to factories in the south and east, where they are cooked, polymerized and extruded as filaments to be knitted and woven into yarn for a thousand products from hosiery to handkerchiefs. For a panorama of record peacetime american production, see life's 27 pages of photographs in color and black-and white which begin on page 70.

Dewey and Truman Take to the Road.
Editorials: Boston Braves;The Good Earth.
Texas Is Outraged by a Soft drinkstand on the Battleship TEXAS.
U.N. -- and the World -- weighs Chances of War.
New Group of Promoters Challenges Madison Square Garden as Monopoly.
Stalin, No. 1 Pallbearer, Helps Bury Zhdanov .
Old Granddad Initiates President Sproul of California with a bottle of Old Grand Dad Whiskey.
Kenneth Roberts Holds Water-dowsing Demonstration -- Novelist conducts a water dowsing demonstration at his Kennebunkport home.

Big Wind Man, by John Kobler -- Grady Norton, expert on hurricaines, watches them born, plots their growth to fury and does his best to cheat them out of their prey.
John Foster Dulles and His Foreign Policy, By James B. Reston.

PHOTOGRAPHIC ESSAY: American Production -- Never before has such a volume of goods been manufactured by a nation at peace. (HUGE feature with loads and loads of pictures and facts on postwar production.)

Family-style Model Agency -- A young couple runs up a $250,000 yearly business on seven telephones. While her husband answers one telephone and hands her another, Eileen Ford, on a third, lines up a new job for one of her 34 fashion models. [Nice feature with lots of pictures!].

FASHION: Lauren Bacall Designs Own Maternity Clothes.[Multiple photos!]

SPORTS: Tennis Gets a Transfusion -- Pancho Gonzales wins the U. S. Singles at 20 and heads new generation of players.

EDUCATION: Kamikaze Goes to College: A Japanese suicide pilot starts his freshman year at Lafayette on a scholarship started by a dead GI.

THEATER: Tiger Lily Dancer. Valerie Bettis, a Houston Highbrow, becomes a popular New York Hit.

MOVIE OF THE WEEK: LOUISIANA STORY -- A beautiful documentary tells of a Cajun boy and an Oil Well.

ART: Hammered Statues. Saul Baizerman has spent 20 years beating huge figures our of copper.

SPEAKING OF PICTURES: Old Campaign Songs Outdo Current Crop. Pictures of Illustrations for Sheet Music of These Songs.
LIFE'S REPORTS: Ozzie Osborne & Shipwreck Van Nolan Sit Flagpoles -- On California's gold coast two men with time to burn try to revive the flagpole sitting fad.
LIFE GOES TO: an Estate-selling Weekend: Prospective buyer gets free weekend at estate.
MISCELLANY: Turkey Mating Dance: Two wild gobblers strut to win a flock of wives.

FULL PAGE vintage ADS include:
Nice Ad for Rko Pictures: Rko's Pic Tour Featuring the Judge Steps Out, Every Girl Should Be Married, Blood on the Moon, and The Window; Smart Babies Know Ford's the Car of the Year!; 2 Page Ad for Walt Disney's "So Dear to My Heart"; NICE FULL page color MOVIE AD: THE THREE MUSKETEERS in Technicolor, starring June Allyson, Gene Kelly, Lana Turner, Van Heflin, and Angela Landsbury; NICE MOVIE AD: STATION WEST, starring Dick Powell and Jane Greer; Full page color ad: It's the Jeepster! -- Willys Overland Motors; MORE!

Use 'Control F' to search this page. * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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