Dabur Chyawanprash Awaleha 1 kg

Dabur Chyawanprash is a popular Ayurvedic supplement that helps to boost immunity and protects the body from various infections such as cold and cough caused by dust, bacteria, viruses and weather change. The term ‘prash’, in Sanskrit, refers to special food preparation and ‘Chayawan’ refers to the Sage that developed this Ayurveda formula that is associated with vitality and youth.

Chyawanprash includes antioxidants and Vitamin C that provides a number of health benefits. It is recommended for people of all ages.


Uses and Benefits of Dabur Chyawanprash:

Some of the other beneficial properties of Chyawanprash are mentioned below. It is regarded as -

Apart from the above-mentioned uses, It may also be used for the treatment and prevention of the following conditions-

Side Effects of Dabur Chyawanprash:

Some common side effects of administering Chyawanprash include:


Common Dosage of Dabur Chyawanprash:

The dosage is prescribed according to the age and health condition of the people. However, not more than one or two spoons are recommended every day.

It must be noted that Chyawanprash should be consumed on an empty stomach as the first thing in the morning before breakfast.

If it is consumed twice a day, then it must be administered 30 minutes before dinner or at least two hours post-dinner.

It is generally advisable to take Chyawanprash with a glass of milk. Alternatively, it can be consumed with a glass of almond on it also.