Also rebuilds air compressor regulator part numbers: VT036100AV, WL017600AV, WL017601AV, WL021100AV, WL022500AV and WL029700AV. 

Is the regulator manifold on your air compressor leaking? Have you tried to find a rebuild kit for your compressor manifold, only to discover you have to buy an entire manifold? Well, I did too. I'll be pissed me off just a little bit. So I took that negative energy and found a solution.

What I have here for my fellow Americans is a rebuild kit that I researched and put together to save some money while repairing the issue. I pass these savings on to you (don't worry I am not getting rich from this or any other product/listing I'm holding). Rest assured that if it's good enough for me it's going to make you happy.


1. Unscrew cap (there may be a small metal pin on the furthest lip, it needs to be pushed out. Use a small pick or small flat head to get between the pin and the housing and push it out.) 

2. Remove spring (part labeled #2 in last picture above)

3. Remove plunger (part #3)

4. Use a flat head screwdriver to unscrew and remove the air regulator valve (part #4). Unscrew carefully, there is a black rubber seal (part #5) and a spring (part #6) on the back side, so take care as you don't want to lose them.

5. Reassemble in same order on your compressor manifold.

6. The effort to turn the knob on your rebuilt regulator manifold may be increased. This is normal.


If you have a different make and model than the ones listed below and are curious if this kit will also repair your regulator, take the knob off (there may be a small metal pin on the furthest lip, it needs to be pushed out. Use a small pick or small flat head to get between the pin and the housing and push it out.)  and compare to the pictures I have included.  The parts that are quickly identified as a match or obviously different are items 2, 3 and 4 in the last picture above.


Also works for the following model numbers: