The Adventures of Jasmine Bunny began as a tale by Kala Bryan for her granddaughter with characters knit by her as a birthday gift for her granddaughter's third birthday. It is a tale about a little bunny who lives in Awbrion (an anagram of Rainbow) with all of her little forest friends. She has a brother, Jasper, who has gone off to see the world on his own adventure. During a game, she loses her hat in the river and is swept away on the current to a different land where she meets strange new friends. She learns that Jasper could be a prisoner of the evil Zargon so she decides to go after him. In this first installment of The Adventures of Jasmine Bunny, you will get to know Jasmine and her friends and become a part of her adventure as she goes off in search of her brother, Jasper. This copy will be signed by the author.
To read more about the story and see lots of pictures of the inside of the book and the characters she knit, click here to see more.