LOOK! -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *
The Saturday Review of Literature Each Saturday Review of Literature issue covers books, arts, literature, movies, ideas, music, science, poetry and much more. Many regular features and writers, and most reviews are also essays on the subject at hand. ALL the latest books had to have an ad in The Saturday Review! -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! * ISSUE DATE: April 10, 1948; Vol. , No. 15 IN THIS ISSUE:- [Detailed contents description written EXCLUSIVELY for this listing by MORE MAGAZINES! Use 'Control F' to search this page.] * This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 COVER: DUMAS MALONE, Author of "Jefferson the Virginian" (See page 9). Cover Drawing from Life by Frances O'Brien. ARTICLES: CAN METAPHYSICS SAVE THE WORLD?, By Dixon Wecter. BIG BUSINESS OFF BROADWAY, By George Freedley. REVIEWS/BOOKS: LEAD COVER article/review:JEFFERSON THE VIRGINIAN By Dumas Malone, Reviewed by Thomas J. Wertenbaker. The Author: DUMAS MALONE, by R. G. PONTIAC AND THE INDIAN UPRISING, By Howard H. Peckham, Reviewed by Allan Nevins. THE DIXIE FRONTIER, By Everett Dick, Reviewed by Henry Nash Smith. THE ALAMO, By John Myers Myers, Reviewed by Harold Dean Cater. THE MOTE AND THE BEAM, By Percy Winner, Reviewed by Harrison Smith. ON THE MARBLE CLIFFS, By Ernest Juenger, Reviewed bji F C. Weiskopf. THE GREAT BLIZZARD, By Albert E. Idell, Reviewed by Catherine Meredith Brown. BURR OAKS, By Richard Eberhart, Reviewed by Gerard Previn Meyer. NORMANDY TO THE BALTIC, By Field Marshal Montgomery, Reviewed by William Harlcrn Hale. THE UNITED STATES ARMY IN THE WORLD WAR II: The Army Ground Forces, By the Department of the Army, Reviewed by Theodore Ropp. THE ECHOING GREEN, By Eleanor Estes, Reviewed by Sara Henderson Hay. FOUR HUNDRED YEARS OF A DOCTOR'S LIFE, Edited by George Rosen, M.D., and Beate Caspari-Rosen, M.D, 140 MILLION PATIENTS, By Carl Malmherg, Reviewed by John Pfeiffer. DEPARTMENTS: TRADE WINDS By Bennett Cerf. LITERARY CRYPT. LITERARY I.Q. EDITORIAL. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. SEEING THINGS By John Mason Brown. NEW EDITIONS By Ben Ray Redman. MY CURRENT READING By Ben Ames Williams. THE NEW RECORDINGS By Edward Tatnall Canby. BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE By Mary Gould Davis. THE PHOENIX NEST By William Rose Benet. DOUBLE-.CROSTIc, No. 733. Prominent Advertisements (Especially for new BOOKS) include: GEORGE R. STEWART, "Fire" MICHAEL DE CAPITE, "The Bennett Place" * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always exactly the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 This RARE edition standard sized magazine, Approx 8½" X 11", is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
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