Includes English digital e-manual sent electronically by link
Founder: Aghori Prajna Shiva Kalidasa
Levels 1
From the author of this attunement:
The Heart Healing Rudraksha combination has a silver heart that is charged to bring in Divine Feminine or Goddess energy, and also has a 2 mukhi Rudraksha next to it, and a 15 mukhi Rudraksha below it to which I have added a 1 mukhi Rudraksha bead to bring in a higher spiritual focus to the process. We will cover the actions of each of these Rudraksha beads below so that you have a comprehensive understanding of how they work and what they will do for you.
1 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The One Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Godhood, Supreme Truth and Attainment of Eternity. The One mukhi Rudraksha is itself Lord Shankar and it is the main one among all Rudrakshas of all facets. It is ruled by the Sun and enlightens the Super Consciousness. It brings the power of Dharana to the wearer meaning the power to concentrate the mind on an object. The wearer of Ek Mukhi Rudraksha gets his mental structure changed and he begins to feel renunciation from the worldly affairs and naturally inclines towards GOD. His mind begins to concentrate on the Supreme Element that is Partattva Dharana cha jayate
Tatprakashnam thus the discoverers of Aatma Tattva must wear 1 Mukhi Rudraksha / One facet Rudraksha.
Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is found in three shapes round shape, oval shape and the half moon shape. Round One mukhi Rudraksha is highly praised in our ancients texts but it is very rare and more of a myth. One mukhi Rudraksha Half moon is easily available and found in a family tree of Rudraksha from India and Srilanka. One Faced Rudraksha oval shape is also very rare but not as like of round shape, it is only find in India (uttranchal). From the point of view of importance there is no difference between them. Therefore it must be real and pure in whatever shape it may be.
This is the best of all Rudrakshas. Peace and pleasure abide in the house where one mukhi Rudraksha is worshipped. The person who worships it obtains not only all the worldly pleasures during his life span but also remains unaffected by them.
It is also said that one mukhi Rudraksha is a “Manokamna pooran Rudraksha”, as a person can wear this rudraksha for fulfillment of his wishes.
2 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The purpose of two mukhi rudraksha is happier family life & relationships with friends. A two mukhi rudraksha has two natural lines (facets or mukhis). It helps in harmonizing relations between two individuals (Husband, Wife, Father, Mother, Children, and Friends) and there by making happier and lasting relations. Therefore it is also known as a bead for Unity.
Both Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvati are pleased with the person wearing a two mukhi Rudraksha. A person is bestowed with Wealth, improved Business due to better relations with clients & all the mental agonies get vanquished by wearing a 2 mukhi Rudraksha.
A two Mukhi Rudraksha Cures the malefic effects of the Moon and helps in stabilizing the mind, making a person purposeful & his decisions making abilities are enhanced.
Two Mukhi Rudraksha helps in the diseases of left eye, fluid systems of body, renal failure and intestinal systems. It also cures stress, Anxiety, Depression and negative thoughts. Those people who get irritated very quickly should definitely wear this Rudraksha.
Recommended for:
Loneliness, Depression, Irritation, Inferiority Complex, Good & Strong Relationships, Eye defects.
Symbol of: Ardhnarishwar (Joint image of Lord Shiva &
Goddess Parvati- Shakti)
Ruling planet: Moon
15 Mukhi Rudraksha:
In general, what the 15 mukhi Rudraksha does is that it opens the Heart chakra to allow love, abundance and fulfillment of desires to manifest there. In so doing it aligns the Universe to help you fulfill your goals, and to attract both personal and career success.
Specific benefits are as follows:
*The relief of physical ailments involving depression, grief and loneliness, fevers and allergies.
*Heart ailments
*Cholesterol, lower lung problems, colds, dry skin, blood pressure (both high and low), and anemia.
*Awakens Unconditional Love and improves all forms of
*Fulfillment of the wearer’s innermost desires.
Ruling God: Pashupatinath Shiva Ruling Planet: Mercury
Mantra: Om Hreem Namah
The Silver Heart:
*Elevates the wearer above worldly attachments allowing concentration upon knowledge, creation and wealth generation.
Sitting above the 15 mukhi Rudraksha, and beside the 2 mukhi Rudraksha, the silver heart is charged for the purpose of integrating all of the combined energies to specifically share the love of the Great Mother Goddess, Mahakali, with the wearer of this combination. The results of this combining are that this combination has the ability to heal and empower every aspect concerning the Heart Chakra physically, mental/emotionally and spiritually.
This energy is automatic, and will work for you from then one without any need for conscious thought of it. Normally this would require your physically wearing it for one-hundred and ten days, or having it on your personal altar for this length of time, but I have already done both of these for you. All you have to do is receive the empowerment energies and go on with your life. And, since it is set up for you in an Orb of Life then you can revisit and repeat it anytime you so desire.”
With purchase you will receive:
The original manual sent electronically and 1 distant attunement by chi ball call in method.