PACKAGE OF 100 SEEDS Mesembs MIX, Living stones, Ice plants

Interesting shape and color, lots of species and varieties mixed, the package have all seeds mixed not individual labeled, the seeds were took this season,  We have a lot of extremely rare cactus if you want something rare let me know and I will listing for you. Questions? feel free to email me.

Mesembs are a large familly of succulents plants, a few are knows as Ice plants and others like living stones, this list is to show the most popular mesembs in cultivation, the Mix contain a lot different varieties most of them are listed on my store like independent listing.

Mesembs Family

Abryanthemum, Acaulon, Acrodon, Aethephyllum, Agnirictus, Aistocaulon, Aloinopsis, Amoebophyllum, Amphibolia, Anisocalyx, Antegibbaeum, Antimima, Apatesia, Aptenia, Arenifera, Argeta, Argyroderma, Aridaria, Aspazoma, Astridia, Bergeranthus, Berrisfordia, Bolusanthemum, Braunsia, Brownanthus, alamophyllum, Callistigma, Carpanthea, Carpobrotus, Carruanthus, Caryotophora, Caulipsolon, Cephalophyllum, Cerochlamys, Chasmatophyllum, Cheiridopsis, Circandra, Cleretum, Conicosia, Conophyllum, Conophytum, Corpuscularia, Crocanthus, Cryophytum, Cylindrophyllum, Dactylopsis, Deilanthe, Delosperma, Depacarpus, Derenbergia, Derenbergiella, Dicrocaulon, Didymaotus, Dinteranthus, Diplosoma, Disphyma, Dorotheanthus, Dracophilus, Drosanthemopsis, Drosanthemum, Eberlanzia, Ebracteola, Echinus, Ectotropis, Enarganthe, Erepsia, Esterhuysenia, Eurystigma, Faucaria, Fenestraria, Frithia, Gasoul, Gibbaeun, Glottiphyllum, Gymnopoma, Halenbergia, Hallianthus, Hartmanthus, Henricia, Hereroa, Herrea, Herreanthus, Hydrodea, Hymenocyclus, Hymenogyne, Hypertelis, Ihlenfeldtia, Juttadinteria, Kensitia, Lampranthus, Lapidaria, Leipoldtia, Lithops, Litocarpus, Machairophyllum, Macrocaulon, Malephora, Marlothistella, Maughania, Maughaniella, Mentocalyx, Mesembryanthemum, Mesembryanthus, Mestoklema, Meyerophytum, Micropterum, Mime, Monilaria, Mossia, Muiria, Namaquanthus, Namibia, Nananthus, Nelia, Neohenricia, Neorhine, Nycteranthus, Octopoma, Odontophorus, Oophytum, Ophthalmophyllum, Opophytum, Orthopterum, Oscularia, Ottosonderia, Peersia, Pentacoilanthus, Perapentacoilanthus, Peratetracoilanthus, Perissolobus, Pherolobus, Phiambolia, Phyllobolus, Prenia, Prepodesma, Psammophora,  Pseudobrownanthus,  Psilocaulon, Pteropentacoilanthus, Punctillaria, Rabiea, Rhinephyllum, Rhombophyllum, Rhopalocyclus, Rimaria, Roodia, Ruschi, Ruschiella, Ruschianthemum, Ruschianthus, Saphesia, Sarcozona, Sceletium, Schlechteranthus, Schonlandia, Schwantesia, Scopelogena, Semnanthe, Sineoperculum, Skiatophytum, Smicrostigma, Sphalmanthus, Stayneria, Sterropetalum, Stigmatocarpum,  Stoeberia, Stomatium, Synaptophyllum, Tanquana, Tetracoilanth, Thyrasperma, Tischleria, Titanopsis, Trichocyclus, Trichodiadema, Vanheerdea, Vanzijlia, Verrucifera, Vlokia, Wooleya, Zeuktophyllum.