This animation is by a talented, freelance Graphic Artist and CGI Animator, Stan Bissinger [The inventor of 3D Shadow ]. It's a ready-to-project, or stock footage fx of Skeletons Crawling a variety of Wall Surfaces, and Black, with variations with Witch, Bats, and Fire. This video is designed for WALL projection, inside and out, and will work well to add a Very Large scene of skeletons. The youtube shows the details of the Clips included.
To use a projection such as in Stan's example on the outside of a large building, 50 x 70 feet, you must have at least 4000 lumens to enjoy. Little Toy Projectors just won't work. The example you see in the youtube, where you see the building and grass, there were a number of streetlights in the vicinity, including Two Omni Directional Bright lamps directly to the left of our projector.
If you have total darkness, 3000 lumens will work. You have to simply test different walls, locations, in order to determine if you ACCEPT the brightness of your image. There is no answer to questions like…"Well, will 2000 lumens work?" That's like asking if all the food in a restaurant it GOOD to all people. YOU YOURSELF have to be the judge if you accept it. Thanks to the massive number of TINY TEENY TINY projectors under 50 lumens, that makers are "coaxing" you to buy, and then "Be Happy With"… this has led to a lot of people trying to do an Outdoor Cinema experience with a $50.00 projector.
You may have lowered the bar of acceptability a lot, if you have one of those small projectors. But for the record, my professional view on this is: 4000 lumens or brighter and you will Blow People Away.
Stan B.
NOTICE: To get this product, I must manually send you the download link from our server at WHY? Etsy for some reason, failed to provide a large enough download storage [on Etsy] for anything more than Text on a piece of paper. Even a print artist will be hard pressed to fit a HQ version of their art in 20mb!! So, when you download THE FILE after purchase, you will get a note from me tell you to do the following.
1. Email me [I said, EMAIL as in NOT a message on Etsy]. Tell me who you are and the title of the download pack you bought.
2. Then within 48 hours, sometimes 24, sometimes 12….I will send you a URL Link which you click on [or copy and paste] and then you go to our server page which has the music.
3. You then click on the files which [on my MAC] appear on the left side of the screen. Depending on which product you bought, there will be 1, 2 or 4 files up to 30 files. If I sell the whole collection, its more. Click to download which should be pretty common to most people these days. BUT because the internet itself is behind where it should be, DO NOT TRY TO DOWNLOAD ALL AT ONCE. Do about 5-6 at a time.
4. If you contact me on Etsy, "to Tell me who you are and the title of the download pack you bought." you won't get the files. I gotta get your actual email, so the fastest way is to just follow my instructions. WHY? Many times on website store services [for example, Ebay] you cannot put in an outside contact email - for the sole reason of keeping SALES inside that website.
But the ONLY way is to send that to my email, so I can copy and paste your email to my server to get you the files. I have asked Etsy for the past year to consider raising the data storage to 500 megs, to allow my Digital Video FX files. They are considering it……JON HYERS