Hylocereus undatus.


    Lot of 20 cuttings about 4" to 6" tall. (only top cuttings) will be ready to grafted from 2 to 4 weeks after plant it


The pictures of the grafted plant is only to show how amaizing are this technique, graft your plant like profetionals, the first picture is the new offset on the hylocereus, we let it grow only less than one inch them use the very soft tip to graft the young seedling (some seedlings are ready to graft it after one week from planting) the one on the picture was grafted after 30 days from seedling, as you can see the one on last picture go from grafted to adult flowering size in just 5 months. this is the best way I know to speed your seedling,


     This is a very useful tool to any cactus collector if want to get a slow growing cactus from seeds  to a flowering size in just a fraction of the time, slow growing like astrophytums, ariocarpus, lophophoras, aztekium, pediocactus....., and almost  any cactus will grow at amazing speed one time is grafted on Hylocereus, Hylocereus have a lots of advantage like long term grafting, can be planted the grafted with stock under ground to look like own root, the stock will keep growing as the sion (top grafted) grow so you’ll get a good looking result, Hylocereus as stock show one of the best results if compare to others stocks just look the pictures of this Frailea castanea grafted on 8-25-2010 and the last picture is when flowering in 1-26-2011 just 5 months from grafted the seedling was grow own roots for it’s first month and after grafted you can see by yourself how amazing these stock are, Hylocereus stock are also fantastic for crested variegated and montrose.


      Also know as Pytahaya or dragon fruit.



 We have a lot of extremely rare cactus if you want something rare let me know and I will listing for you. Questions? feel free to email me.