PACKAGE OF 25 SEEDS, This  Astrophytum variety MIX  is collected from a show quality plants, it contain all kind of my best astrophytum, astrophytum is a genera with about 5 recognized species, Myriostigma, asterias, capricorne, ornatum, and recently look like digitostigma caput medusae will be the 5, all this pure species can be crossing between each others by cross pollinating and the results are hundreds and hundreds of Hybrids,  Nudun, niveun, Kabutos 5 ribs,  Kabutos 6 ribs, Kabutos 7 ribs, crassispinoides, hanya, fukurio, stronginogolum, kiko, onzuka, coahulense, senile, to mention a few but the list are on the hundreds,  this mix is made primary when I collect the seeds to reproduce my plants and get news Hybrids.