100 seeds of Bidens pilosa Alba
common names:  Butterfly Needles, Romerillo ,Bidens alba ,Spanish Needles, Stick Tights

Extremely attractive to butterflies!

Medicinal plant!

Bidens pilosa has long been in use in traditional medicine, the heated crushed leaves applied as a poultice to wounds and boils, the leaf juice used for ear aches and eye complaints (the latter sometimes mixed with alum or lime), an infusion of the root for eye complaints. An infusion is also used for coughs and colic, with this plant also having use as an antidote to (unspecified) poison. The leaves have been used for jaundice, fever, hepatitis, diarrhea, worms, pharyngitis, pneumonia and coughs in Brazil. The root is used to treat edema and snakebite in India. Generally the whole plant is uprooted and prepared in infusions for internal use, and/or crushed into a paste or poultice for external use.

We have a lot of extremely rare cactus if you want something rare let me know and I will listing for you. Questions? feel free to email me.

NOTE: This is a very nice choice for a succulents gardens, It will provide some shade for small plants, this is a must to have for a perfect cactus landscape.