"Abridgements of current best-selling books, by special permission of the original publishers"
Unique and rare magazine, and unlike other condensations, MANY of these are actually condensed by the original authors: "Abridged from the book in the author's own words"

Issue Date: June, 1952; Vol. XIV, No. 7
Featured in THIS issue:
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SPARK OF LIFE -- ERICH MARIA REMARQUE -- The author of "All Quiet on the Western Front" writes another powerful novel of men in wartime.

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SPORT THRILLS -- JACK C. DAWSON -- Odd facts and figures from the realm of sport.

"OOPS! WRONG PARTY" -- HOFF -- Eight sparkling cartoons from the new book by one of America's favorite cartoonists.

HOW TO GET RICH IN WASHINGTON -- BLAIR BOLLES -- The shocking story of mass and individual corruption at the taxpayers' expense.

THE FACTS OF LIFE -- LOUIS I. DUBLIN -- A famous statistician reveals the latest trends in population, health and life span.

MURDER WITHOUT MALICE -- JOSEPH FULLING FISHMAN & VEE PENMAN -- Could a deliberate drowning of helpless humans be con- doned? (selected from "Great Shipwrecks and Castaways").

OMNIBOOK QUOTOGRAM -- MARGARET DAVENPORT -- Another of Omnibook's popular new puzzles.

GRANDMA MOSES -- EDITED BY OTTO KALLIR -- Highlights in the life of one of America's best-loved women.

WAKE UP YOUR MIND -- ALEX OSBORN -- Proven ways to enliven your imagination and increase your happiness, by a successful advertising man.

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This DIGEST sized magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)