According to Clint Eastwood biographer Marc
Eliot, Stirling Silliphant suggested Tyne Daly for her
role, but the actress turned down the script three times before finally
deciding on doing it. Daly also suggested that the romantic attachment between
her character and Callahan be omitted. Eastwood agreed.When Harry is about to intervene in the convenience store
siege, his partner DiGiorgio (John Mitchum) asks if he needs help, but Harry
responds that he 'may need to move fast and doesn't need too much linguini
slowing him down'. This is a reference to Dirty Harry (1971), when DiGiorgio cannot climb over the fence
with Harry to get into the football stadium due to his weight, with the excuse
"Too much linguini." As with other movies in
the Dirty Harry series, Callahan makes use of a repeated catchphrase. In Dirty Harry (1971) there was the
"Do you feel lucky?" speech, in Magnum Force (1973) there was "Man's got to know his
limitations", in Sudden Impact (1983)
there was "Go ahead; make my day" and in The Dead Pool (1988) there was "You're shit out of
luck". In this film, Callahan repeats the phrase "You can count on
that/it" twice and the word "Marvelous" (sarcastically) four
After Pauline Kael gave a bad review of the
film, Clint Eastwood asked a psychiatrist to do an analysis of her
from her reviews of his past work, which he had memorized verbatim. It
concluded that Kael was actually physically attracted to Clint and because she
couldn't have him she hated him. Therefore, it was some sort of vengeance
according to Clint. [per Sondra Locke's autobiography].