Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *
T I M E The news-magazine of the century, with all the news, features, and vintage ADS -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! * ISSUE DATE: August 14, 1972; Vol. 100, No. 7; 8/14/72 IN THIS ISSUE:- [Detailed contents description written EXCLUSIVELY for this listing by MORE MAGAZINES! Use 'Control F' to search this page.] * This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 COVER: The Democrats Try again. SARGENT SHRIVER. COVER design by David Merrill, Photographs by dennis Brack, Black Star. TIME full Listings [With Comments and notes by MORE MAGAZINES in brackets]: NATION: AMERICAN NOTES: Advice and Descent (The Nation / AMERICAN NOTES). The Nation: Promise Her Anything (The Nation). The Nation: The 51st State (The Nation). THE CAMPAIGN: George McGovern Finally Finds a Veep (The Nation / THE CAMPAIGN). The Nation: The New Nominee: No Longer Half a Kennedy (The Nation). REPUBLICANS: Watergate, Contd. (The Nation / REPUBLICANS). POLITICS: The Headless Horseman (The Nation / POLITICS). TRIALS: One Sick Assassin (The Nation / TRIALS). RACES: Flexible Survival (The Nation / RACES). The Nation: Eagleton: After the Fall (The Nation). ESSAY: Time Essay: Can the World Survive Economic Growth? (Time Essay). WORLD: BRITAIN: Not All Right Now, Jack (The World / BRITAIN). The World: The Butler Did It (The World). NORTHERN IRELAND: End of the No-Go Areas (The World / NORTHERN IRELAND). NORTH VIET NAM: Thin Line of Distinction (The World / NORTH VIET NAM). MIDDLE EAST: Limited Options (The World / MIDDLE EAST). The World: Provocative Reading (The World). The World: What the Russians Kept (The World). CHINA: Reconstruction Begins (The World / CHINA). INTERNATIONAL NOTES: Unswerving Gaullist (The World / INTERNATIONAL NOTES). The World: The Other Face (The World). The World: Undiplomatic Admission (The World). The World: Argentine Standoff (The World). SCIENCE: Environment: Days of Whine & Roses (Environment). Environment: Crusader in the Swamps (Environment). Environment: The Gettystower (Environment). Science: Messages by Muons. Science: The AEC and Secrecy. HEALTH & MEDICINE: Medicine: Capsules, Aug. 14, 1972 (Medicine). Medicine: Cancer Counselors (Medicine). SOCIETY: Behavior: Evaluating Eagleton (Behavior). PRESS: The Press: Viet Nam: New Dangers Covering an Old Story (The Press). The Press: AIM for Accuracy (The Press). RELIGION: Religion: Hollow Holiness. Religion: Grooving in Japan. EDUCATION: Education: Conservative Anarchist. Education: Spreading Foxfire. LAW: The Law: The Ellsberg Tangle (The Law). The Law: Hatcheting Hatch (The Law). BUSINESS: RETAILING: War in the Supermarkets (RETAILING). ENTREPRENEURS: Mize's Many Empires (ENTREPRENEURS). AUTOS: Revving Up for the Wankel (AUTOS). [Rotary Engines] JAPAN: Out of the Sweatshops (JAPAN). TRAVEL: Good Ship Lollipasta (TRAVEL). ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: Music: Left-Wing Wagner (Music). [BOOS in Batreuth] Music: Seizing the Moment (Music). [Ballet, Italian Paolo Bortoluzzi, with photo] Art: Dialogue in Stone (Art). [Henry Moore, with color photos, two full pages] Show Business: Noah's Ark of Horrors (Show Business). [Animal Horror Movies] Show Business: Round 1 (Show Business). Show Business: Quarter of a Loaf (Show Business). [Dick Cavett stays, adds Jack Paar] Cinema: A House Divided (Cinema). ["THE MAN"] Cinema: Police Brutality (Cinema). [FUZZ] Books: Summer Fiction (Books / Summer Fiction). [Ishmael Reed, Charles Gaines, Edwin Shrake, James Guetti, Joseph Hone] Books: Damned Spot (Books). [Daniel Ellsberg]. * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Standard sized magazine, Approx 8oe" X
11". COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
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