Dog Shampoo and Spray Odor Remover
Removes skunk and other odors in one wash!
Vegetable protein deodorizer removes odors, even skunk and degreases while leaving fur shiny and soft.
Clean and crisp fragrance.
Salt Free.
Tear Free.
Highly Concentrated for 2x More Washes.
Removes All Odors.
Neutralizes odors while degreasing with Vegetable Extract, Oat Protein, Vitamin E, Aloe Vera Gel, Lavender Oil and Rosemary.
This spray-on, leave-in or wipe-off solution spray eliminates and neutralizes all odors, including skunk.
Its natural derived deodorizer degreases by actually breaking down the enzyme in the oil the skunk sprays as well as all other odors.
Stinky Dog Spray also moisturizes with Vitamin E, Lavender Extract, Rosemary and Aloe Vera Gel while it removes odors!
Available sizes:
Shampoo - 10 oz, Shampoo - 1 gallon (dilutes 25:1), Spray - 8 oz.
Made in the USA.