We wish to present a truly special offering. Enter the Nince Royal Genie Princes and Princesses Ring. Originally from our elite collection, these genies wanted us to lower the price and make as many of these as possible available to our procurers. They wish to bring you vast wealth, love, good health, and fulfill your unlimited wishes.


Offering the spiritual essences and powers of no less than nine Royal Genie Princes and Princesses, the Royal Genie Ring is truly unique. This striking ring is more than just a piece of jewelry. It is an opportunity. More specifically, it is an opportunity to change your life for the better. Imagine having more power and charisma than you have ever dreamed of possessing. Imagine having influence among those you encounter every day. Finally, imagine having absolute, unshakable control over your destiny. Combine all of that with good health and long life. The power of the Royal Genie Ring is quite simply breathtaking. Once you affix the ring to your person, your life will never again resemble what it once was.


This ring has been enchanted with the magic King Solomon. However, the spellcasting and enchantments do not end there. The Royal Genie Ring has also been infused with djinn magic, spellcodes and rituals, and even solar and lunar magics. The work that went into this ring occurred over a period of sixty consistent days. That fact alone means that when we talk about this ring, we are talking about a spiritual powerhouse of the highest order. This is magic that you will connect with instantly. In other words, from the moment you put this ring on, you will feel its powers and spirits coursing through your very soul.


Filled with divine light, energies, and powers, the Royal Genie Ring offers peace on a profound level. As soon as you put the ring on, you will feel such peace, in addition to joy and vitality. You will be filled with a tangible concept of life essence. To put it another way, you are going to feel better than you have in years. In fact, you may just feel better than you have any other time in your life. You will never again know weakness, and you will never again be concerned about illness. The blessing of long life and good health is something you will feel radiating from every part of your body, mind, and soul. This is the foundation upon which you will build your new life, which involves accepting the many gifts and possibilities offered to the wearer of this ring.


As the name perhaps suggests to you, this ring comes from wish granters. Understanding this is very important. They are particularly adept at granting wishes related to wealth and success. If you dream of money, and of the opportunity to amass a staggering fortune, this is the ring for you. For those who imagine advancement in their career of choice, and for those who desire good luck that can transform their life for the better, the Royal Genie Ring is essential. You have never experienced power and good health on a level quite like this.


Furthermore, understand that this ring will bring the wealth to you. While you will have the ability to go out into the world and create your own fortunate, that is not the end of how the ring benefits your existence. This ring will bring you precious metals. It will bring vast amounts of money to your feet. The ring will make you a literal millionaire with ease. You will no longer have to live your life as someone who worries about getting by from one month to the next. The days of sacrificing what you want for what you need are over.


Through everything this ring promises, you will not only have everything you need to be happy, but you will also have absolutely everything your heart desires. It really will be that simple. If you will, imagine being able to provide for those you love. They will never again go through life desiring something. This is yet another benefit to the power promised by this ring.


However, this ring is still about more than simply gathering wealth. Yes, the ring will be able to grant you such wishes. At the same time, you will also benefit from such gifts as love, happiness, joy, and good health. These are gifts you can enjoy in conjunction with long life, absolute protection, and unshakable peace. All of this is worth mentioning again and again. We still haven’t even touched on the psychic possibilities that are inherent in this ring.


You will be able to enjoy enhanced psychic powers through this ring. You will experience future visions through your aura sight. This is yet another way in which the ring gives you the ability to take full control of your life. This is a ring for those who want to use an open third eye to make the very most of their destiny. Spirit communication means utilizing this ring as a means of connecting with powers and entities that will show you so much more than can be described here. Instant results will become second nature. These communications will result in a status of benefiting from universal wisdom and knowledge at all times.


You should also understand that this is a ring derived from positive energies and beings. What this means is that the ring cannot be used for any evil purposes whatsoever. This includes mind control or manipulation in any form or fashion. It is crucial to understand that the ring will not grant cruel desires. If you wish to bring harm to another human being, this ring is not going to give you what you want. On the other hand, if you dream of being able to make your life better on every imaginable level, you can bring this ring into your daily life. If you wish to make things better for those you love, this ring can help you make that possible.


These are pure, omnipotent beings. Their knowledge and wisdom derives from pure sources. They are here to serve you, while fulfilling your eternal desires. When you find yourself in times of need, you will always be able to turn to them for support and so much more. Prepare yourself for a life that will feature limitless prosperity and comfort for all your days.


No bonding ritual is required. Just by wearing the ring, you will be able to connect, see hear and work with the 9 Royal Genie Princes and Princesses.

Their names, full powers, etc. will be revealed to the new Keeper.


We will send you with this ring one spellcast candle, one pack of spellcast incense, one channeling stone and one djinn sigil scroll.
