2 ounce red pepper powder. Red Pepper is the ripened, dried pod of the Capsicum Frutescens. The capsicum family of spices includes sweet, or bell, pepper, paprika and jalapeno chilies. Used when "heat" is desired, the dried pepper is available ground or crushed. The color is an orange-red to deep red and capsaicin is the main constituent producing the hot taste. Red Pepper is used to achieve the characteristically hot flavor of Mexican, Creole, Cajun, Thai, Szechuan, and Indian cooking. It also is used in chili, Spanish rice, and barbecue sauce as well as meats, salads, and casseroles. Use small amounts of Red Pepper. It is a biting condiment, and the flavor intensifies as it is cooked. For a spicy snack, add ground Red Pepper and salt to hot oil; saute blanched almonds until golden. Or add a dash of Red Pepper, onion, cheese, and bacon to beaten eggs for scrambled eggs or omelet. Try adding Red Pepper to barbecue steak sauce. Use it to marinate or baste steaks. PLEASE SEE MY OTHER LISTINGS Fresh Spices/Herbs