Artist: Jimmy Buffett Release Date: Jun 1996
Format: CD Record Label: Margaritaville/MCA
Genre: Country UPC: 008811145125
Sub-Genre: Country Rock Duration: Album

Track listing
1. Only Time Will Tell
2. Jamaica Mistaica
3. School Boy Heart
4. Banana Wind
5. Holiday
6. Bob Robert's Society Band
7. Overkill
8. Desdemona's Building a Rocket Ship
9. Mental Floss
10. Cultural Infidel
11. Happily Ever After (Now and Then)
12. False Echoes

Playing time: 60 min.
Contributing artists: James Taylor, Mac McAnally, Michael Utley, Robert Greenidge
Producer: Russ Kunkel
Distributor: Universal Distribution
Recording type: Studio
Recording mode: Stereo
SPAR Code: n/a

Album notes
Jimmy Buffett & The Coral Reef Band: Jimmy Buffett (vocals, acoustic guitar); Mac McAnally (vocals, acoustic guitar, mandolin); Peter Mayer (vocals, acoustic guitar); Claudia Cummings, Tina Gullickson, Nadirah Shakoor (vocals); Greg "Fingers" Taylor (harmonica); Amy Lee, Thom Mitchell (saxophone); John Lovell (trumpet); Michael Utley (piano); Jim Mayer (vocals, upright bass, acoustic bass); Roger Guth (drums); Robert Greenidge (steel drums, percussion); Ralph MacDonald (percussion).
Additional personnel: James Taylor, Ben Taylor (vocals); Bobby O'Donnovan (violin, penny whistle); Teddy Mullet (trombone); Freddy Fishstick (mandolin, trombone, piano, vibraphone).
Recorded at Shrimp Boat Sound, Key West, Florida.
Personnel: Jimmy Buffett (vocals, acoustic guitar); Mac McAnally (vocals, acoustic guitar, mandolin); Jim Mayer (vocals, acoustic guitar, upright bass, bass guitar); Peter Mayer (vocals, acoustic guitar); Tina Gullickson, James Taylor , Nadirah Shakoor, Ben Taylor , Claudia Cummings (vocals); Freddy Fishstick (mandolin, trombone, piano, vibraphone); Bobby O'Dunovon (violin, pennywhistle); Greg "Fingers" Taylor (harmonica); Amy Lee, Thomas Mitchell (saxophone); John Lovell (trumpet); Teddy Mulet (trombone); Michael Utley (piano); Roger Guth (drums); Robert Greenidge (steel drum, percussion); Ralph MacDonald (percussion).
Audio Mixer: Rob Eaton.
Liner Note Author: Joseph Conrad.
Recording information: Shrimp Boat Sound, Key West, FL.
The latitude and the attitude are the same, you'll be happy to hear. The good-natured, laid-back guy who has put out almost an album a year for 25 years is back again. Buffett has a world-wide following of Parrot Heads, probably because he keeps giving 'em what they want. In this case, that's Caribbean-flavored, blues-based pop, a mellow approach, and an eye for a good story. This is wiggle-your-toes in the warm tropical water music--safe, happy (usually) and pleasant.
Buffett does manage to put an edge on some of his tunes, especially when they reflect personal travails. "Jamaica Mistaica" is a lighthearted look at a little, ahem, misunderstanding with some island law-enforcement personnel. He sounds downright angry in "Overkill," which takes a shot at materialism and the mansion-on-the-hill crowd. This slightly goofy, heart-on-the-sleeve pop should have appeal for Parrot Heads and newcomers alike.

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