The ultimate warm winter fur hat made of soft alpaca fur. The hat is hand sewn and can be worn on both sides.
A high closure protects the face from wind and weather.
Alpacas have not to to die for their fur. Here in Peru these animals are especially protected by laws. It is absolutely not profitable for the alpaca breeders to breed these animals because of their fur, a shearing of the precious alpaca hair already brings a higher income to the farmers than the sale of the fur. The alpacas live in the Andes at an altitude of up to 5000 metres. In their natural environment the weather is very extreme, there are temperature fluctuations from +25 degrees during the day to -20 degrees at night. During these extremely cold nights, especially in June- August, animals, especially young or old animals, freeze to death. In former times these animals were burned the next day and there was a very big damage for the alpaca farmers, who are mostly very poor and dependent on the wool of the alpacas. Since 10 years we found a way to use the fur for our products.
Our products are fair trade, we contribute to the sustainable development of indigenous communities, by offering better trading conditions and protecting the rights of, marginalized producers and workers in Peru.
We ship directly from here and it needs approx. 15-18 days to get into the destination.
Additional Details
Department: womens