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The Youth's Companion
Vintage family magazine with features, articles, vintage ads and MORE -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *

ISSUE DATE: March 6 1924; Vol. 98, No. 10

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COVER painting by William Eaton.

COVER: HISTORIC MILSTONES: The First white men to stand upon the brink of that stupendous chasm, the Grand Canyon of COlordao, pased to their graves unknown. But whoever they were -- trappers traders goldseekers, Spanish or American, they brough to civilization a gift more valuable than pelts or precious metals: The story of a new and inexhaustible heritage of a natural grandeur.

INSIDE front cover full page color painting for ad for CREAM OF WHEAT by EDWARD BREWER.

Demertrius the Great, by Neil Estes Cook. Drawings by R. L. Lambdin.
The Pearls of Quoghoggar, by C. A. Stephens. Drawings by Harold Sichel.
Adventurous Gardening, by Lewis Edwin Thesis.
Almira Hatche's Lesson, by Selinda H. Green.
Buffalo Horn, by Frank C. Robertson.
Short Notes and News.
Children's Page, featuring Mary Turner, Betty Towles, Carrie Belle Boyden, L. J. Bridgeman.
The Oliver Hazard Perry Monumnet, by Merrick E. Wells.
A Page to Mr. Peaslee, by Frank K. Rich.
Nuts to Crack.
Montgomery Ward & Co., Full page ad.
Back cover ad for Pillsbury's Pancake Flour -- Delicious Waffles, quickly made!
* NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.
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LARGE sized magazine (Approx 10oe"X 13"), COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
A great snapshot of the time, and a terrific Birthday present or Anniversary gift!
Careful packaging, Fast shipping, ALL GUARANTEED -- See below for details.