The Last Miracle by Karl Vollmoeller 1949 HC/DJ
The Last Miracle
Karl Vollmoeller
Duell, Sloan, and Pierce
Copyright 1949
706 pages
The binding is in good condition, the pages are clean but lightly tanned and there is a bookplate in the front. One page is partially doubled printed. The red cover has a bumped corner and light fading on the edges. The jacket is scuffed, has some edge wear and small chips and tears. Good in acceptable dust-jacket. Hardcover.
The story of Megildis, a young nun of extraordinary beauty and gifted with a voice of astonishing purity and loveliness. The time and action is the late 18th century, and the place is Europe and America. On the surface, the novel is a story of curious adventures, an endlessly surprising life story of the woman eternal; yet, it becomes clear that in this vast and dramatic narrative the author has set out to explore the everlasting problem of good and evil and to seek the ultimate resolution of this problem in the mystery of faith. (#00002080)