Tested 4/01/19 Light cosmetic wear. Shipped out the next day.
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Care instructions: Let it cool. Packing up your projector while it’s still hot may cause lamp filaments and other wires to break. Let the lamp cool down before packing up. Keep it clean.Your projector’s filters allow airflow throughout the projector and prevent overheating.If your projector has a permanent mounting, make sure the mounting plates don’t block the fan vent and there is enough airflow around the projector to keep it from overheating. Watch the on/off switch. Turning your projector constantly on and off creates a power surge that will make your projector wear out faster. Never, ever touch a hot lamp.You can end up with one nasty burn. Never touch a cool lamp bulb either since the oil from your skin leaves a residue on the lamp. A large enough oil spot can cause the lamp to shatter. Watch the lamp life. Buy genuine OEM lamps. Go green. Try using the power saver or econo mode on your projector. The only time you’ll really need full brightness is when you are presenting outdoors.Read the manual.