Listed is a DSL Modem Speed Stream 4300 manufactured for the Windstream DSL provider. The modem is used in VG cosmetic condition and has been tested for proper DSL function. The default VCI/VPI numbers are O/35. But this modem once accessed through its Browser interface will allow you to change them to any number combination.
Chicago area AT&T numbers are 0/35 the the rest of the ATT numbers are - AT&T Southwest Provider (former SBC) uses VPI: 0 & VCI: 35 (Chicago)- AT&T Southeast Provider (former Bell South) uses VPI: 8 & VCI: 35- Qwest/Century Link Provider uses VPI: 0 & VCI: 32- Covad Provider uses VPI: 0 & VCI: 35.
Non-Windstream use follows this procedure!
Browser access requires you to put in your browser's address bar and for you to log in at admin-admin. You will get a summary page after log in. Next find the connect button and hit it, next page will say log in failure but will give you spaces for your user name and password. High-light each box and put in you own username and password and hit save. If you are of 0/35 you will connect. If not go to left side margin and click on SETUP TAB, first choice is PPP click on this, then find the VC change (virtual circuit) and click on this. The next page then allows for the numbers change. There is an online help page that can also be of assistance.
Package includes 1 modem & 1 OEM Power supply.
Each Modem I list has been tested on ATT DSL standard with an XP desktop using a web browser for the installation.